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The Importance of Cyber Security Awareness Training

Did you know that the leading cause of successful cyber attacks is attributed to human error? Unfortunately, the weakest link in your security chain comes down to mistakes by the people who work in your business. That’s why it is really important to train your staff regularly about how to spot a potential cyber attack, and the different tactics cyber criminals use to exploit human error. 

Types of Human Error Exploited by Cyber Criminals:

Phishing Attacks:

Among the most common tactics, phishing attacks involve tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details. Up to 91% of  successful  data breaches start with a phishing attack. Cyber criminals often use deceptive emails, messages, or even phone calls to manipulate employees into clicking on malicious links or downloading infected attachments. As part of your cyber security training, simulating phishing attacks to see if anyone takes the bait is a good way to see if there is a need for further training.

Social Engineering, Impersonation, and domain spoofing:

Social engineering relies on manipulating employees to divulge confidential information. This could involve impersonating colleagues, using psychological tactics, or exploiting personal relationships to gain access to sensitive data.

One particularly insidious tactic that cyber criminals employ to exploit human trust is CEO domain spoofing. In this method, attackers edit email headers and content to make messages appear as if they are coming from your CEO or other high-ranking executives. These deceptive emails often request sensitive information, financial transfers, or access to secure systems. Given the perceived authority of the sender, employees may be more inclined to comply with the requests, unknowingly facilitating a cyber attack. Cyber security awareness training must specifically address CEO domain spoofing, emphasising the importance of verifying the legitimacy of unexpected requests, even if they appear to come from top executives. Awareness of this tactic is crucial for employees to remain vigilant and implement verification protocols to fend off potential threats originating from seemingly trusted sources within your organisation.

Weak Passwords:

81% of hacking related breaches are caused by weak or stolen passwords. Human tendencies to use weak passwords or reuse them across multiple platforms make it easier for cyber criminals to gain access to your systems. Cyber security awareness training should stress the importance of creating strong, unique passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication across the board.

Unsecured Devices:

With the rise of remote work, employees often use personal devices for professional purposes. Failure to secure these devices can expose your business to significant risks. Training programs should educate employees on the importance of device security, including regular updates, antivirus software, and secure Wi-Fi connections.

Lack of Awareness:

Many employees may be unaware of potential threats or the importance of cyber security best practices. Regular training sessions can bridge this knowledge gap, empowering employees to recognise and respond appropriately to potential threats.

Benefits of Cyber Security Awareness Training:

Reduced Risk of Data Breaches:

By equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to identify and report potential threats, you can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access to your systems.

Improved Incident Response:

Cyber security training enhances employees’ ability to respond effectively to incidents, minimising the impact and preventing further harm.

Promotion of a Cyber-Aware Culture:

Fostering a culture of cyber security awareness promotes collective responsibility, encouraging employees to be proactive in safeguarding the business’ data.

About US:

Consider IT provides the full spectrum of IT & Communications services, including 24/7 support, strategic consultation, cloud and business continuity solutions, cyber security, compliance certification, procurement and more.

At Consider IT, we recognise that the human element plays a crucial role in boosting your cyber security. And so, as a standard practice, we provide our clients with regular cyber security training. Our training programs are designed to equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to spot and report an attempted cyber attack. By instilling a culture of cyber awareness, we empower your workforce to identify and mitigate potential risks, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to cyber criminals.

In addition to our commitment to education, Consider IT ensures that our clients are up to standard with Cyber Essentials baseline controls. These controls serve as a foundational framework, encompassing essential security practices that are crucial for mitigating common cyber threats. By implementing these controls, we help fortify your organisation against a wide range of potential risks. We’re the security behind great businesses!

Get in touch today to find out more, and get a free consultation.